keskiviikko 12. tammikuuta 2011

Excuses which are also known as good news!

I realized that I haven't written my blog in ages. Well, luckily I have two excellent excuses for that. Those will also be the topics of today's blog post... Now this is starting to sounds like a beginning of some lecture ("and next we will discuss the nature of homo erectus in the 15th century Greenland...).
Anyway back to the excuses.

Excuse number 1. 
Topi's new hobby (rhymes nicely, huh?) or should I say obsession. He is addicted to cooking, the same way some people are addicted to drugs/sex/rock'n'roll/you name it. Naturally this means that he is so excited about cooking that kitchen is a no-go area for me in the evenings... at least if I want to keep my head out of trouble. So I haven't had a chance to cook lately and THUS there has been no need to write this blog :D Actually HE should start his own blog as some of his recipes are simply excellent. Anyway Topi keep up the good work!

Excuse number 2. 
I have a new job. As of January 4, I'm officially a Project Manager in company X (classified). I'm working in projects related to X (classified) and my main responsibilities include events (not classified). And no, I am not working for X-files. Anyway, I am really happy about this turn of events!

So excuses in this case turned out to be merely good news :) However, as I do not want to write a blog post without a recipe, I'll share one old recipe with you. It's delicious.... ly unhealthy. And Russian (?).

Moskovan pata

n. 1,5kg naudanpaisti
2-3rkl vehnäjauhoja
3 suolakurkkua
3 sipulia (joista 1 on punasipuli)
n. 1dl vasikan fondia
n. 2dl punaviiniä
1/2tl cayannepippuria
1 rkl mustapippuria
1 rkl rosepippureita
2-3dl vettä
240g smetanaa
150g homejuustoa (Aura tai Saint Agur)
2 laakerinlehteä

Ota liha ajoissa huoneenlämpöön ja paloittele ne reilun kokoisiksi palasiksi. Ruskista lihat voissa pienissä erissä ja siirrä lopuksi erilliseen astiaan. Kuullota nyt padassa sipulisilppu ja paloitellut suolakurkut ja lisää sitten lihapalat liemineen ja vehnäjauhot. Kaada sekaan myös lisäliemi. Anna padan porista näin n.30min. 

Lisää seuraavaksi sekaan homejuusto ja smetana, sekoittele ja laita laakerinlehdet joukkoon. Voit jättää padan joko liedelle (miedolle lämmölle) tai uuniin hautumaan. Tälle määrälle n.3 tuntia on aika ihanteellinen. Uunissa n. 175 astetta aluksi ja loppupuolella enää 150 astetta. Pata saa "porista" mutta ei kiehua. Ota lopuksi laakerinlehdet pois.

sunnuntai 5. joulukuuta 2010

Have a nice pancake!

Winter's here. Time to make some pancakes to bring joy to the life!!

Maailman paras pannukakku. For real.

4dl vehnäjauhoja
1,5 dl sokeria
1tl suola
1tl leivinjauhetta
1tl vaniljasokeria
8dl maitoa
100g voita

Sekoita kuivat aineet. Lisää maito ja munat. Sulata 100g voita uuninpellillä ja lisää seos pellille kun voi on sula. Paista 225asteessa n. 30minuuttia.

Enjoy the holidays! :)
Btw. I'm still unemployed. Or as I should say: still looking for the right job. 

perjantai 5. marraskuuta 2010

Autumn is here - and so is Kikka!

Instead of writing boring and yet so useless job applications, I decided to share couple of thoughts with you. First one is about weather (how British am I?) and the second one is about themeparties (yay!).

First thought: Autumn is here! That means that it's really dark, rainy, dark and depressing. However, that also means that we should get our first snow in Helsinki soon! I'm now talking about snow that would actually stay on the ground more than 30seconds. As dark autumn might be slightly depressing, it is good to cheer up one's life somehow. That's what baking is for. Therefore I'll share one recipe with you. It's easy to make, relatively healthy (!), good and it's a new way to use those millions of lingonberries that you might have in the fridge because of (dark and rainy) autumn.

Syksyinen kääretorttu

4 kananmunaa
1 1/2dl sokeria
1 dl Pirkka ruisjauhoja
1/2 dl Pirkka perunajauhoja
1 tl leivinjauhetta
2 dl Pirkka vispikermaa
1 banaani
1 dl rahkaa
3 dl puolukoita
1/2 dl sokeria
1 tl vanilliinisokeria

Another thought is Kikka. Now, most of you foreigners don't probably know her but you could say that she was the Finnish Marilyn Monroe (only much less elegant and beautiful). She was a famous singer in the 80's who was known for her amazing clothes and even more amazing (and dirty) lyrics. She also died relatively young and relatively suspiciously (like Marilyn) so I really think that they have many things in common... such as blonde hair, boobs and death. That's plenty.

Now what would make a better topic for a theme party than Kikka? After all, Kikka is a synonym for erotic 80's (pic). As I said to my friends earlier, finally I have an excuse to show my boobs at a party (which is tomorrow, by the way). I'm sure it's going to be a really sexy party. In case you are still wondering what the hell I'm talking about, here's a video by Kikka. She sings about erecti... I mean about a curve.

keskiviikko 13. lokakuuta 2010

The benefits of unemployment

The first step in the cure process is admitting the problem.

So hello everyone, my name is Venla and I'm unemployed.
I realized that my unemployement had become a problem when I couldn't buy tickets to Berlin (I had promised my friends I would go) and when I had to start asking my boyfriend to pay for our grocery shoppings (thanks Topi).

As soon as I had admitted the problem, I started finding ways of getting rid of it (aka curing myself). Naturally sending job applications was one of the best ways to start. However, I have to say that I think it's easier to market Jesus than yourself. Especially if you are not willing to talk (or write) bullshit. Oh well, unemployed got to do what unemployed got to do.

Well although unemployment might be a problem, it has its benefits. I've had time to exercise, enjoy the nature (the beautiful autumn), enjoy long and cheap lunches, clean the house and most importantly, COOK! We took part in a Georgian/Russian food cooking class last weekend and it was a blast. The class also gave me an inspiration to use more oven in cooking and that's what we've been doing. So I'll now share couple of recipes with you. One from Georgia, other one from Greece. Both in Finnish.

TSANAHI (Georgialainen lammaspata)
4 annosta

600g (rasvaista) lampaan lihaa
6 perunaa
3 sipulia
4 pientä munakoisoa
4 suurta tomaattia
3 rkl tomaattisosetta
5dl lihalientä
5 valkosipulinkynttä
2 laakerinlehteä
persiljaa, korianteria, suolaa ja pippuria

Paloittele lampaan liha, peruna, sipuli, tomaatti ja valkosipulit reilun kokoisiksi paloiksi. Tee munakoisoihin keskelle viilto johon laitat suolaa ja yrttejä. Laita lihanpalat uunivuokaan ja niiden päälle kasvikset. Ripottele pinnalle mausteet. Kiehauta lihaliemi, lisää siihen tomaattisose ja kaada uunivuokaan. Peitä kannella peitettynä 180 asteessa ainakin 1h40min. Ripottele pinnalle persiljaa ja korianteria (jos kykenet syömään yrttiä joka maistuu saippualta :D)

STIFADO (kreikkalainen lihapata)
(6 annosta)

800 g - 1000 g naudan palapaistia kuutioina
6 valkosipulinkynttä silputtuna
1½ tl jauhettua juustokuminaa
2-3 kanelitankoa
2 dl punaviiniä
2 rkl punaviinietikkaa
1tl rosmariinia
2-4 laakerinlehteä
4 rkl tomaattisosetta) sekoitettuna 1 litraan kuumaa vettä
700 g pieniä kuorittuja sipuleita
3 rkl tummaa sokeria
suolaa ja mustapippuria

Ruskista lihapalat (vähän kerrallaan) oliiviöljyssä. Sekoita lihojen joukkoon silputtu valkosipuli, juustokumina ja kanelitangot. Kypsennä hetki ja kaada sitten hitaasti joukkoon viini ja etikka. Anna nesteen kuplia n. 4 minuuttia. Lisää rosmariini, laakerinlehdet ja laimennettu tomaattisose. Sekoita hyvin ja mausta suolalla ja mustapippurilla. Kaada lihat nesteineen uuninkestävään pataan ja laita kansi päälle. Nosta pata 160 asteiseen uuniin n. 2 tunniksi. Lisää kahden tunnin kuluttua pikkusipulit pataan ja ripottele päälle sokeri. Laita pata uuniin vielä tunniksi. Muista pitää kansi päällä jottei pata kuivu!

That's it this time. More recipes, feelings, tips and sorrows next time.

sunnuntai 26. syyskuuta 2010

Baking bread - perfect excuse for staying home on Sunday

This is a bit silly: first I don't write anything here in 3 months and then suddenly there are 2 posts in 2 days. Oh well, life's illogical.

As Sundays are usually rather boring (hungover) and grey (hungover), I decided to brighten up this Sunday a little bit. So I invited some friends to our place and we are going to cook together tonight. Me and my friends have more or less two things in common: we love food and travelling.

Before they come I thought I'd do something useful on this boring Sunday: bake some bread! I have two recipes that I've been meaning to write down here for a long time so that I could through away the old pieces of paper that they've been written on. So here we go, traditional Finnish bread meets traditional Italian bread. In Finnish I'm afraid.


1l piimää
75g hiivaa
3dl siirappia
3dl kaljamaltaita
3dl vehnäleseitä
3dl ruisjauhoja
1 rkl suolaa
10-12dl vehnäjauhoja
Voiteluun siirappivettä (siirappia 1/3)

Lämmitä piimä kädenlämpöiseksi ja liuota joukkoon hiiva. Lisää nesteeseen muut ainekset. Anna taikinan kohota pari tuntia. Kaavi taikina (kahteen) voideltuun vuokaan. Paista leipää uunin alaosassa 175asteessa n. 2h. Hieman paistamisen jälkeen valele leipä siirappivedellä. Teen ite annoksen yleensä puolikkaana koska meijän uuni on niin saakelin pieni :)


7,5 dl vettä
50 g hiivaa
2 rkl suolaa
2 rkl sokeria
1 rkl kuivattua oreganoa
noin 15 dl vehnäjauhoja
1,5 dl + 0,5 dl oliiviöljyä

Mittaa kulhoon kädenlämpöinen vesi ja liouta joukkoon hiiva. Lisää suola, sokeri ja oregano. Lisää kerralla noin puolet vehnäjauhoista ja sekoita tasaiseksi. Lisää sitten jauhoja vähitellen hyvin vaivaten. Lisää lopuksi myös 1,5 dl oliiviöljyä. Vaivaa taikina tasaiseksi. Voitele leivinpaperi uunipannun päälle ja painele taikina siihen. Kohota kaksinkertaiseksi. Ripottele pinnalle oliiviöljyä, sormisuolaa ja rosmariinia. Paista 200 asteessa noin 30 min. Valuta vielä kypsän focaccian päälle oliiviöljyä.

Vee the Baker

lauantai 25. syyskuuta 2010

How to drink vodka in Polish style... and how to cope with it.

As many of you have probably already heard, I spent last weekend in Poland celebrating the wedding of my two good friends. Even before going to Poland I had heard lots of rumours about the vodka drinking nation and its traditions. As it turned out, everything that I had heard was more than true.

Polish weddings last always for two days (or as one taxi driver put it "in the good old days they lasted for 3 days") and both days have certain things in common: there is a lot of food, a lot of people, a lot of dancing and of course a lot of vodka. As I personally (or actually my beloved stomach) has always disliked hard liquor, I was surprised how much vodka I (not to mention the locals) can really drink. However, there is a simple guideline how to drink vodka in Polish style and in case you ever find yourself in a situation where you are expected to drink vodka for 2 days, bear the following in mind:

Step 1.
Say "Na zdrowie" and raise your glass of vodka
Step 2. Take a quick sip of juice (NO water but juice)
Step 3. Drink your vodka shot (if you feel that you are about to die, don't drink the whole shot)
Step 4. Drink immediately more juice
Step 5. Smile and start dancing

However, the most important thing is to eat all the time even if you are not that hungry. When you are not drinking vodka or showing your best dance moves, EAT. This juice-drinking is naturally very common only among the younger people, according to the taxi drivers the young people nowadays are much weaker and can't stand as much vodka as they do. One taxi driver also called vodka the "only pure and organic drink" as you can make it at home from simple ingredients. And yes, I had many conversations in taxis in Poland... in English, Polish and German. (Yes I know that most of you didn't know that I speak Polish. Well neither did I.)

Although I followed these guidelines my stomach was a bit angry with me when we got back home. I understand him: I had promised him many times before that I will never EVER drink hard liquor again. So I had to stay at home for 4 days and try to make him feel better... we even had to go to see a marriage counselor (also known as doctor) who recommended peace, love, bananas and carrot soup. So I've spent the past 4 days at home, spending quality time with my stomach and eating carrot soup... all possible different versions of it. Here's one that you might wanna try out when your stomach is ever upset:

Thai carrot soup

0,5 kg luomuporkkanoita
5 dl vettä
2 rkl raastettua inkiväärinjuurta
2 limen mehu
1 tl kuivattua chiliä
1,5 rkl thaimaalaista kalakastiketta
1 tl suolaa
1 rkl valkoviinietikkaa
1,5 dl kookosmaitoa

Keittäkää porkkanat, soseuttakaa ne, lisätkää mausteet, lämmittäkää keitto. Tsadam. Kannattaa muuten tarkkailla paljon keitinvettä jättää ettei keitosta tuu liian löysää.

As I was bloody fed up with carrot soups on day number 4, I added some chorizo and beans to give it flavour (check out the beautiful and this time authentic picture above).

Na zdrowie!

perjantai 30. heinäkuuta 2010

Hot, hot summer.

I'm baaaaad. I'm baaaaad.
1) I haven't written here for ages.
2) I'm writing this from work.

I should have written so many times before coz we've cooked so many wonderful things during June and July and now I'm at work and I haven't got any of those cool recipes here with me (have probably already lost them). Anyway as this is a bit too illegal, to write my blog at work, I will keep this short and concise.

This summer has been hot. HOT. So hot that you foreigners wouldn't even believe it. Yesterday the highest temperature (of all times) in Finland was over 37 degrees. I hope that finally convinces you to come to Finland and to get rid of that stupid image of cold and freezing and dark Finland.

So the point of this blogpost was to remind everyone that it's been a hot hot summer and that no one should complain coz the summer in Finland has finally felt like a proper summer. And I also wanted to wish you a HOT AND SUNNY SUMMER FROM NOW ON!